Popcorn Crush
I crush popcorn under my pink high high-heeled shoes. Light, sweet popcorn. A sweet consistency that violates apart as soon as you apply only a little power. Even the slightest counterpressure causes popcorn to break and shatters it into a thousand particles. You are not sweet like popcorn. You are ugly, abominable and worthless. Futile. And thats why I crush boys like you. Men who break apart like popcorn and tear themselves apart when a woman has them under their feet. Once I have you under my feet! Break apart under my cute, pink heels you sucker! Click Buy and dream in ecstasy, because thats the only kind of sex for a loser like YOU!
Actors: MashaBizarre
Category: Crush Fetish
Tags: crush high heels ugly
Added on: January 14th, 2016
Views: 18 views