A Creamy Massage


Im home from work, wearing my black flats. I taunt you, if I should put them off. I give you a brief sneak peek of my heel, before I entirely eliminate them. They are very sweaty. I rubdown my tired sweaty feet with a special lotion. See my beautiful feet with nude toenails in detailed close-ups, while I massage them. Then I let you know, that Ive tricked you. The lotion is actually whipped cream. I want you to enjoy my sweaty salty feet and lick the whipped cream off. Finally I leave the room to get some sweets for my feet, while I leave beautiful, creamy footprints on the floor. The story continues in Clip: Sweaty, Sweet and Salty available soonEnjoy this wonderful wet and messy, whipped cream foot fetish clip. :-Language: English voice-over.

Actors: Lady Loryelles Foot Fetish Clips

Category: Foot Fetish

Added on: August 11th, 2017

Views: 45 views

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